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9 LPG plants underway in Sokoto, Kebbi — DPR

The Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) says no fewer than nine new Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) plants will commence operation in Sokoto and Kebbi states soon.

Mr Muhammad Makera, DPR Operations Controller in charge of Sokoto and Kebbi states on Tuesday in Sokoto.

Makera said that DPR is the only statutory body responsible for registering LPG plants and retailers outlets.

He noted that 10 LPG plants currently exist with about 30 retailer outlets in the two states.

Makera, however, expressed optimism that when the new plants commence operations, more LPG related businesses would be propelled in the state.

He said that about two to four retailers approach the office for registration daily and urged eligible owners to come to DPR for registration and relevant operating licence.

According to him, DPR has intensified surveillance to ensure maximum safety and compliance to regulations in cooking gas retailers business in the two states.

Makera said that DPR inspect all proposed locations and premises to ensure compliance to regulations before issuing license.

”The DPR will continue to ensure that stakeholders in the petroleum sector operate in a safe environment and according to international best practices.

”Sanctions are available for operators that default in their operations, to serve as deterrent to others.

“We urge marketers to align their business values to reflect integrity and the sanctity of human lives and the environment,” Makera said.

He added that enforcement of the regulations was necessary considering the rate at which more LPG shops mostly handled by untrained and unlicensed retailers were coming up.

Makera said that the attendant result of the negligence of enforcement of regulations had led to several fire outbreaks, damage to oroperties and loss of lives.

He noted that the essence of the engaging business owners on safety meeting was to acquaint stakeholders with basic fire fighting skills in case of any fire incident.

He said that some Cylinders were substandard while some had expired and urged retailers to assist DPR in tackling indiscriminate use of substandard and expired Gas Cylinders by consumers.

Makera said that the registration fee for refilling plant is N10,000 while retailer outlet pays N5,000, describing the amounts as affordable.

He said that the retailers union, Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) and other stakeholders joined hands with the DPR to sanitize the business.

The Controller said that N500,000 penalty charge awaits any plant owner that is found guilty of selling cooking gas to unregistered retailers.

“Retailers should not be located within markets, schools and open places, or near meat (Suya) sellers, beans cake friers and others.

“Retailers should also have bucket of sharp sand, well ventilated shop, display appropriate warning signs and emergency numbers and keep distance from fire sources,” he said.

Makera said that retailers are to operate on regulated time of between 6 a.m to 6 p.m, while physical preventive measures should be provided.

He called on the public to be safety conscious and keep cylinders away from kitchen and direct exposure to sunlight.

He emphasized that using LPG is cheaper and contributed to environmental protection as it reduces indiscriminate tree felling for firewood or charcoal which increases desert encroachment.

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