Energy Gas Oil

Dangote fire incident: No cause for alarm

By Charles Okonji

The management of Dangote Refinery and Petrochemical has doused concerns over the fire incident that occurred at refinery today. According to reports, there was a big explosion, which was followed by huge smoke and fire,
However, the refinery management stated it was a minor fire outbreak that was quickly contained, therefore, it wouldn’t disrupt operation in any way.
In a statement signed by the Group Chief Branding and Communication Officer, Dangote Industries Limited, Mr. Antony Chiejina and entitled “Dangote Refinery contains minor fire at its affluent treatment plant”, the management said: “We have swiftly contained a minor fire incident at our effluent treatment plant (ETP), today Wednesday 26th of June.
“There is no cause for alarm as the refinery is operating and there is no recorded injury or body harm to any of our staff on duty.”

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