Featured Gas Oil

Allow tanker drivers to operate during lockdown, NNPC tells law enforcement agencies

The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) has appealed Law enforcements agencies across the Country to allow petroleum products tanker drivers free movement during the lockdown ordered in parts of the country by President Muhammadu Buhari and some state governments.

A release today in Abuja by the NNPC Group General Manager, Group Public Affairs Division, Dr. Kennie Obateru, said the exemption granted by Mr. President to certain categories of essential workers covers the operations of petroleum products tanker drivers.

The release said that the Federal Government counts on the support of the law enforcement agencies across the country to ensure smooth distribution of petroleum products across the nook and cranny of the country during the period of the restriction.

The corporation said that NNPC holds over 2.6billion litres of petrol enough to last the period of the lockdown and beyond, advising that motorists should not engage in panic buying.


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